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The Critical Importance of Data Entry to Improve Victims’ Rights
Mel Hewitt, Attorney for Isenberg & Hewitt; Advisory Board Member, Marsy’s Law for Georgia
We Can Do More for Victims of Crime
Derek Marchman Reflects On The Past Year During National Crime Victims’ Rights Week And Feels A Sense Of Urgency For The Future
Marsy’s Law for Georgia Commemorates National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, April 23-29, with Proclamations and Champion Awards
ATLANTA - April 20, 2023 - Every year, Marsy’s Law for Georgia commemorates National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) with a campaign that highlights local victim-centered events, honors victim advocates, and raises awareness about victims’ rights in the state. This year’s NCVRW falls on April 23-29, with the theme, Survivor Voices: Elevate. Engage. Effect Change.
Marsy’s Law for Georgia Was Passed in 2018, but the Work Continues
"We worked hard to get this bill passed. Many long days and long nights. Countless hours... I remember many days doing multiple events, going from one end of Georgia to the other end. We worked hard. We fought the good fight." Harralyn Rawls
Muscogee County and the State of Georgia are Being Sued for Violating Rights Provided Under Marsy’s Law
Communication is key and nothing could be truer during a criminal investigation. Civil Rights Attorney Kianna Chennault of Atlanta has been hired by the family of Richard Collier to prosecute Muscogee County and the state of Georgia due to a “lack of communication from prosecutors.” Seven years ago, Collier was killed at a houseparty in Columbus, Georgia. The suspect, Drevon Johnson, received a deadlock verdict in his first trial in 2019.
Marsy’s Law for Georgia Advisory Board Member Addresses Georgia Sheriffs' Association Conference
Marsy’s Law for Georgia Advisory Board Member Derek Marchman had the pleasure of speaking with a dedicated group of law enforcement officers at the Georgia Sheriffs' Association Conference on Sex Offender Registry Management at Great Wolf Lodge in LaGrange, Georgia, last month.